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Monday, August 24, 2015

Learn How to Create Trustworthy Landing Pages and Automatically Get More Leads

by Fahad Muhammad in Landing Pages, Lead Generation

Trust is a highly coveted word in the digital marketing world.
In fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that in marketing, trust sells. Have a swanky new product that vaporizes dust bunnies into thin air? (I know, cool right?) However, if you don’t have a trustworthy landing page to promote it with, you can kiss your leads goodbye.
Because the fact is, when it comes down to online marketing (where your products aren’t physically for show) it’s hard to sell anything if the visitor doesn’t trust you.

Your Visitors Have Short Attention Spans, Make the Most of Them

According to The Guardian, “A one second delay in page load time can result in 11% fewer page views, 16% decreased customer satisfaction, and 7% lost conversions.”
Want your visitors to stick around long enough on your landing page for your message to sink in? Create pages that not only load faster but exude trustworthiness and loyalty with every element.
Don’t know how to do that? This post is going to change all that, not only are we going to discuss how you can create trustworthy landing pages, but, we’ll show you examples of pages that are doing it right.
Let’s begin.

Add Relevant Testimonials and Customer Reviews

Nothing can sell a product better than a loyal customer whose singing praises about your amazing product. This is because customers often think alike, which is why they trust each other’s opinion.
Including true testimonials on your page really helps with your conversions, you do need to make sure however that the testimonials are honest and descriptive, just including a customer quote saying “Great Service” won’t persuade your visitors.
Try adding testimonials that tell an inspiring customer story to get the most clicks on your CTA button.
Look at the testimonial on the invision app page.
invision app
Not only does it say that the app is helpful, but it tells all potential customers how Mr. Elliot used the product to his advantage.
The testimonial has more power if it is written by someone well known in your industry. Tim Feriss’ testimonial on the Highrise page has the right effect on visitors.
highrise testimonial

Maintain Message Consistency throughout your Landing Page

Don’t confuse people. Use similar language and consistency in your approach as you guide them from an ad to your landing page. Too many brands focus on creating the perfect ad, and then completely fail to follow it up with a landing page to match.
From your ad to your landing page, your messaging should be perfectly matched. Don’t make your visitors wonder why they came on your landing page, show them the value you add right away and maintain this message starting from your headline all the way down to your CTA button.

Use Images of “Real” People

Amy Cuddy in her TED talk on body language explains that body language affects how others see us.
Want your visitors to connect with you and turn into customers? Then include some photos of real people. If you’re a small business trying to make it big, try adding your photos on your landing page.
Highrise saw 102.5% increase in conversions when they added an image of a real person rather than an image explaining the service.
Wistia does a wonderful job with their About Us page titled, “Wistia Class Photos”. I know this is not a landing page. However, I just loved the creativity- hence the reference.

Put up some Customer Badges

Showcasing the logos of notable companies who happen to be your customers is a brilliant and simple way to borrow credibility. A visitor who is on the brink of making a decision can be convinced into clicking the CTA button after he recognizes a famous company logo on your landing page.
Visitors are quick to judge your landing page, and when they see that someone influential has already judged you, they are quicker to climb on the bandwagon because they start seeing you as someone they can trust.
Econsultancy found that professional looking pages and the presence of popular customer badges also have an effect on online purchases.
econsultancy trust seals
This is appropriately called the “halo effect.”
Doesn’t a halo appear on Stripe’s landing page after you see the logos of popular companies like Kickstarter, Twitter, Pinterest, lyft and Shopify on it?
stripe edited
Trust seals also add credibility on your landing page.
For e-commerce businesses, trust seals are especially important for attracting leads. A survey by Econsultancy showed that the effectiveness of trust seals depended on customer recognition of the symbols. The study tested 20 different trust logos, and the results revealed the three most recognizable logos were that of Paypal, Verisign, and McAfee.

Refrain From Using Jargon

Nothing kills the mood on a landing page like jargon. One form of jargon shows up in the form of abbreviations. Look at the 53 landing page as an example.
fifty three edited
What’s MIX?
If your visitors don’t know the meaning of a word on your landing page, you better believe that they won’t stick around on the page to find out.
Jargon also refers to clichéd words like “revolutionary” and “cutting edge.” These are the kind of words that marketers love to use because it makes them feel special, and they try to impress visitors with the wordplay, but in reality, it doesn’t mean anything.
The problem is that when everyone in your niche is claiming to be one-of-a-kind and cutting edge on their landing pages, that just means no one is. Cut the fluff.
Be simple and straightforward with your landing page. Tell your visitors exactly what they’ll get from your landing page, like Flow does with their page.
flow edited
Only when your visitors trust your landing page will they trust your product/service and click the CTA button. It’s as simple as that.
Create simple landing pages that speak to your visitors, not at them. Make sure that your CTA button offers the same thing that your headline promised, and you’ll be good on leads.
If you fail to put these trust honing strategies to work on your landing page, you’ll be left in the dark as far as conversions are concerned.
Excited to get to work on creating your first trustworthy landing page? Create your first landing page for free here. Still confused about adding trust and loyalty on your landing pages? Please leave your questions in the comments below.

How to Design Your Own Website

Designing Your Own Website

Many tutorials will tell you that the first place you should start is by getting web hosting or some other place to put your web pages. And while this is an important step, you don’t have to do it first. In fact, for many people, putting the site up on a host is the last thing they do once the design is to their liking.
I recommend, if you are going to design a new website from scratch, the first thing you should do is determine what editor you will use.

While some people just rely on price, there are a lot of different free editors out there, so it’s a good idea to think about what you want from an editor. Think about things like:
  • Do you want to learn or already know HTML? While a text editor can very flexible for some people, if you don’t know HTML then a WYSIWYG editor might be a better solution. You can design a wonderful website with either.
  • Do you want to sell things from your website? If you do, you will need to learn more about ecommerce and how to accept payment from your customers. Plus, some editors are better suited to ecommerce sites than others.
  • Do you plan on writing a blog? Blogs are much easier when you use software to build them, and some editors have blog support built in.
  • Is this the only website you plan on making? If you’re not planning on becoming a professional web designer, then there is no need to spend a lot of money on a professional editor. And like I said above, there are many free web editors that offer lots of professional features.
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    Once You Have an Editor - Start Designing Your Website

    But I don’t mean in the editor or in HTML. While we will get to learning HTML, when you’re working on designing a website, you should work with your imagination first. Planning a good website design will ensure that it really is good.
    The web design process I use goes like this:
    1. Determine the site purpose.
    2. Plan how the design will work.
    3. Start designing the site on paper or in a graphics tool.
    4. Create the site content.
    5. Begin building the site with HTMLCSSJavaScript, and other tools.
    6. Test the site as I go and when I think I’m finished.
    7. Upload the site to a hosting provider and test again.
    8. Market and promote my site to get new visitors to it.

    Designing a Website is More than HTML

    Once you think you know what your site should look like, you can start writing HTML. But remember that the best websites use more than just HTML. As I mention above, they use CSS, JavaScript, PHP, CGI, and lots of other things to keep it looking good. But if you take your time, you can build a website that you would be proud of.

    Start a New Website Checklist

    It has become true that if you're in business you need a website. And yet many small businesses are reluctant to get online because of the time or expense they believe is required. This list of requirements will help you get the best website you can without spending a lot of money or time.

    Web Hosting

    Deciding where you're going to put your website doesn't have to be your first step, but it should be on the top of your list. This location is called Web hosting and there are lots of options to choose from. If you've decided to hire a Web designer to work on your site, he or she might have a preference as to what host you should use. Talk to them to see if they have suggestions.
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    Domain Name

    domain name is the address where your website will be found on the Web. The best domain name is one that uses the company's name in the URL. But sometimes that can be hard to get, if you haven't already registered it. If you can't get your company name, then consider something catchy or memorable that your customers can associate with you. Remember that it should be something that you like and can live with for a long time, as there's a possibility that people will start remembering your domain name before they remember your real company name.

    Plan, Design, and Build the Website

    Don't neglect the planning. Even if you're going to hire a professional Web designer to build your site, you should have an idea of what you want on it and how it should look. And don't be afraid to build it on your own. The key to doing it yourself is to start small. Build just a few pages at first, and then add to your site as you grow more comfortable building Web pages.
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    Marketing and Promotion

    Once you've built your site and it's live, you want people to come visit it, but this can be the hardest part of the process. Marketing your site is almost more important than building it. You should plan on doing both passive marketing like search engine optimization and active marketing like buying ads for your site.

    Metrics and Analytics

    In order to know how well your site is doing you need to set up analytics to track thepageviews and visitors. Then, once you've started tracking them, you can see how they are changing over time, and track changes you make to your site or advertising campaigns you run to see how effective they are.
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    Maintain Your Site

    The best sites on the Web change frequently and are kept up-to-date. If you're planning a website for your business you should factor in the cost of having at least one person who adds new content at least weekly and fixes problems as they are found.

    How to Build a Website

    8-24-15, 4:53AM PDT

    How to Build a Website Step 1 — Hosting:

    Hosting is where you put your website and all the web pages. While it’s possible to build a website on your personal computer and never move it online, it’s pointless. No one but you will ever see it. So the first thing you’ll want to do is find a web hosting provider.
    There are several types of web hosting options you can choose from:
    Most people gravitate to free web hosting without too much thought, but there can be drawbacks to free hosting. You don’t always get as much space, you might be required to run their ads on your site, or there may be bandwidth limits. There are sometimes limitations on what can be put on a free hosting provider—for example, some don't allow ecommerce or gambling or other types of content.
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    Some free hosting providers tack on charges like maintenance and renewal fees on their “free” accounts. Be sure to read all the fine print before you put your website on a free web host. I recommend using free hosting providers for testing web pages and forpersonal pages, but not for websites you hope to make money from.

    How to Build a Website Step 2 — Do You Need a Domain Name?:

    domain name is a friendly URL people can type into their browser to get to your website. Some examples of domain names include:
    You don’t need a domain name to put up a website. You can put up a site on free hosting or even paid hosting plans without a domain name. A domain name provides extra branding for your site and makes it easier for people to remember the URL.
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    But domain names cost money, typically between $8 and $35 a year.

    How to Build a Website Step 3 — Plan Your Website:

    Once you’ve gotten a domain and decided on your URL, you can plan your site. You need to decide:
    • Type of site — Most websites are either news/information, product, or reference sites. As such they each have a slightly different focus.
    • Navigation — The navigation affects the information architecture of your site.
    • Content — Content is the actual pages you will build.
    Play the Web Page Types game. If you can recognize page types, you’ll be able to recognize what types of pages you need for your site.

    How to Build a Website Step 4 — Build Your Website Page by Page:

    Building a website requires you to work on one page at a time. To build your site you should be familiar with:

    How to Build a Website Step 5 — Publish Your Website:

    Publishing your website is a matter of getting the pages you created in step 4 up to the hosting provider you set up in step 1. You can do this with either the tools that come with your hosting service or with FTP (File Transfer Protocol) clients. Knowing which you can use depends upon your hosting provider. Contact them if you are not sure.

    How to Build a Website Step 6 — Promote Your Website:

    The easiest way to promote your website is through search engine optimization or SEO. You build your web content so that it ranks well in search engines. This can be very difficult, but it is inexpensive and can have good results if you work at it.
    Other ways to promote your site include: word of mouth, email, and advertising. You should include your URL on all professional correspondence and whenever it makes sense in personal messages. I put my URL in my email signature along with my email address.

    How to Build a Website Step 7 — Maintain Your Website:

    Maintenance can be the most boring part of website design, but in order to keep your site going well and looking good, you need to do it. Testing your site as you’re building it and then after it’s been live for a while is important. New devices come on the market all the time, and the browser makers are always improving their browsers. You should also work on content development on a regular basis. The more content you create and add to your site the more visitors you will get.
    by Jennifer Krynin